Learn the craft of braided rugs from local artist, Dianne Ellis. This course is two classes one week apart. During the first class students will be provided with all the tools and enough materials to braid either a hot pad or chair cushion. During the second class students will take all of their completed braided material and learn to sew the braids to complete a project. At the end of the course students will be have the skills needed to complete a larger rug sized project.
Dianne Ellis, of our very own Stecoah community, learned the art of braided rugs simply because she needed a rug – she has now braided more than two thousand rugs! Dianne teaches classes at John C. Campbell Folk School and is the current president of the Dogwood Crafters cooperative in Dillsboro. Dianne accepts custom rug orders and sells her work through the Dogwood Crafters.
Minimum of 3 students
Registration Deadline October 9th
Tuition: $60
Take a quick look at Dianne demonstrating rug making at the John C. Campbell Folkschool: